Successful oppositions at EPO and PRV for Moving Media Nordic

"Moving Media Nordic now holds a valid patent for a groundbreaking innovation on two of its most important markets"
May 2017
"Moving Media Nordic now holds a valid patent for a groundbreaking innovation on two of its most important markets"



Moving Media Nordic has invented groundbreaking technology for the TV industry

Moving Media Nordic is a premier technical service provider and rental house for broadcast equipment. The company’s most prominent service is called DOB – Distance Outside Broadcast. The invention enables broadcasting companies to produce live international sport feeds and other multi-camera productions from one control room with full signal and communication control, without degradation. This is a major breakthrough in the TV industry. Previously, a large production bus had to be brought to the filming location and used as a control room. DOB saves both costs and time without compromising the quality of the production. The invention has already received worldwide attention, for example, the Olympic Games in London 2012 was produced using Moving Media Nordic’s invention.

We, Groth & Co, have drafted and prosecuted the patent application for Moving Media Nordic’s DOB. The patent has been filed in Sweden, Europe, Eurasia, South Africa, Australia, USA, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan and South Korea.

Seven different oppositions was filed against the patent

At the Swedish Patent- and Registration Office, PRV, seven different oppositions were filed against the granted patent. At the EPO, the written proceedings led to oral proceedings during spring of 2016.

Moving Media Nordic were successful at the EPO and at PRV

On behalf of Moving Media Nordic, we handled both hearings at both patent offices. The fact that the opposition case in Sweden had seven different oppositions from eight different large media companies, all represented by prominent IP or general law firms, made this case both extraordinary and challenging.

The opposition proceedings in Sweden were put on hold awaiting the decision from the EPO. At the EPO, the written proceedings led to oral proceedings where we were successful and got the European patent granted.

Once the EPO announced the decision to grant the patent, PRV in Sweden held an oral hearing in August 2016. The hearing was a long process; as each attending opponent was given time to state his or her individual argumentation, which was then met by us. The ruling was announced in May 2017, that the Swedish patent was maintained. This means that Moving Media Nordic now holds a valid patent for a groundbreaking innovation on two of its most important markets.

We now assist Moving Media Nordic in the validation of the European patents as well as in licensing negotiations and drafting of related agreements.


Karin Crafoord

Managing Partner
Head of Legal and Trademark Dept.
Attorney at Law Litigator

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